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Community feedback on the Levenmouth Connectivity Project

  27-Apr-2023 |   The Leven Programme

The Levenmouth Connectivity Project aims to reconnect the communities of Leven, Methil, Methilhill, Buckhaven, Windygates and East Wemyss to each other and the river, through the creation of a safe and attractive active travel network that is accessible to all.

Over the past few years, Leven Programme partners, including Fife Council and Green Action Trust, have been developing and designing these proposals while receiving valuable input and local knowledge from communities at key stages of the project.

One of these key stages was during November and December 2022, when the project shared information, maps and visualisations of the designs with communities through an online portal and two in-person engagement events.

Local people were able to discuss the proposals with the design teams and complete a survey. This ensured local people could shape the designs prior to the first phase of routes (which are required for the rail line reopening) being finalised.

The project team has now provided a summary of the feedback received and has shared how this will be incorporated and addressed - check it out by clicking here.


Two further consultation events for the River Park Routes have been scheduled ahead of an application for planning permission. The first event on 21st April was to allow people to input prior to the application. The second event on 19th May will give people a chance to hear how community input has shaped the proposals. The project proposals and consultation survey are also available online until 26th May 2023 and you can access these by clicking here.

The Levenmouth Connectivity Project is being delivered thanks to funding from Sustrans Scotland and Transport Scotland through the Places for Everyone programme. Funded by the Scottish Government, Places for Everyone aims to create safer, more attractive, healthier, and inclusive places by increasing and diversifying the number of trips made by walking, wheeling, or cycling for everyday journeys.