Community Consultation Feedback

How has community input shaped this project?

Over the past 3 years, under challenging circumstances at times, we have held a range of community events and activities to seek people’s views and feedback. This input helped the project secure funding and progress into the detailed design phase of the network.

This phase is crucial for the project, where community input contributes towards how these walking, wheeling and cycling paths will look and feel for those using them.

An engagement period for the Levenmouth Connectivity Project was held November-December 2022 to allow local residents, communities and businesses an opportunity to provide their thoughts on the proposals. This included online materials, paper surveys and the chance to speak to the project team at two in-person events in December.

We would like to thank those who have provided their feedback on the proposals, and this update provides a summary of comments received.

Project terminology

The project has been split into two pieces of work, that will be worked on closely together at the same time:

  • Active Travel Network - We are looking to upgrade 24km of Levenmouth’s existing roads and paths to accommodate the safer travel of walkers, wheelers and cyclists traveling. Of this, 10km will be segregated from vehicles. This part of the project is being managed by Fife Council on behalf of The Leven Programme.
  • River Park Routes - We are also looking to upgrade existing paths as well as creating new ones along the River Leven, linking residential areas and allowing communities to access the river and existing assets of the area. This part of the project is being managed by Green Action Trust on behalf of The Leven Programme.

By clicking here, you can view a map which shows the River Park Routes in light blue surrounded by (and connecting up with) the wider Active Travel Network.

What you told us and what we’ll do

In total, over 16,000 hits were received on social media posts uploaded to Leven Programme platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

66 fully completed surveys were received via the online web page link and at the in-person events. Overall, the survey showed support for the project with over 86% of respondents indicating they were supportive and strongly supportive of the network.

The two figures below show the breakdown of support for the project, alongside the main connections that will benefit the local communities and businesses:

Graph displaying majority agreement that the routes will improve access between communities.

Graph displaying that the connections most benefit respondents in Leven, the River Park area and Methil.

Several common themes in responses online and in-person have been summarised below, including how these will be considered and, if required, incorporated into the design:

Common theme
Steps going forward

Removal of parking spaces

This will cause displacement of vehicles to other parking locations, in particular where parking is to be removed outside schools.

Parking surveys will be undertaken to identify if there will be any issues with removal of spaces.

Consideration to alternative parking spaces will be undertaken if deemed required based on demand and available space.

Engagement with schools will be carried out, in particular where parking removal is outside the premises to promote walking and cycling and reduce the number of vehicles at pick up and drop off times. The aim of this engagement is to prioritise walking, wheeling and cycling, especially for young people, while still providing options for parking for those who require it.

Anti-social behaviour

Use of quad bikes, littering and other anti-social behaviour make other users feel unsafe

The Active Travel Network is predominantly urban, and adjacent to the existing carriageway. This will provide some passive surveillance from vehicles and surrounding housing.

The River Park Routes and other rural paths will have restrictions at the access and egress to deter use of larger vehicles.

Lighting will also be used to improve the feeling of safety.

Further details on actions being progressed to help make Levenmouth a safer place to live, work and play can be found in the Behaviour Change Action Plan for the project, supported by a shortened easy-read version.

A specific route

Some concerns were raised by residents along a specific River Park Route.

The design team will continue to engage the landowner as well as reaching out to the residents on this route to discuss their concerns and consider solutions.

Technical design features

Concerns were raised around the steepness of areas along the River Park Routes.

The gradients of existing paths are particularly steep in some areas, however all paths being designed will follow Sustrans’ Cycle by Design guidance of 1:21, which sets out best practise. If not possible, a series of ramps and landings in steeper areas will be considered.

Connection to wider Levenmouth

Routes do not reach enough communities in Levenmouth

The network boundary was set at earlier feasibility stages. Consideration will be given to the future phasing of routes to ensure that communities such as Buckhaven and East Wemyss have provision in earlier stages to help construct the network equally throughout.

The environment and people’s health

Many respondents said they’re looking forward to being able to appreciate nature, wildlife and the countryside. Many also referenced looking forward to using the routes for their daily walking and cycling exercise, walking their dogs and taking in the fresh air.

The River Park Routes will include new native tree, shrub, hedgerow and wildflower planting as well as the integration of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs). It will also include natural play opportunities.

Better connectivity

Many respondents highlighted their appreciation for the improved access these routes will bring to key locations such as the town centre in Leven, healthcare facilities and the upcoming train stations.

The project team will continue to promote the routes and where they connect to as well as developing signage and wayfinding that will help commuters get to where they need to go.

Creating a destination location

Many respondents raised that this project will help people take pride in the area and that the river should be valued as an asset as a result.

The Levenmouth Connectivity Project team (and the wider Leven Programme) will continue to work with key stakeholders including Levenmouth Reconnected and the Levenmouth Local Tourism Association to maximise the benefits of the Leven Rail Link and this exemplary active travel network.

Through the River Park Programme, we will build on this momentum create a destination location along the river and between the two new train stations, for residents and visitors alike.


Further consultation on the River Park Routes

The River Park Routes held two further events to gather and include people's views before submitting a planning application this summer. The first event on 21st April was to allow people to input prior to the application. The second event on 19th May gave people a chance to hear how community input has shaped the proposals. The project proposals and consultation survey were also available online until 26th May 2023.

You can click on each of the resources below to learn more about this journey and how it has shaped the proposals:

The submitted Proposal of Application Notice reference number is 23/00357/PAN and more can be found on the Fife Council Planning Portal.

What happens next?

The design teams are currently finalising layouts for the first phase of routes to be constructed alongside the rail stations opening in March 2024. Construction for these routes is due to commence in October 2023. This construction will focus on routes in and around Cameron Bridge and Leven rail stations. Long-term, upon completion of the initial routes, the remaining routes will be programmed in stages to allow for staggered construction.

The project team, along with the Connectivity Community Steering Group, will continue to hold public events and activities across the local areas to bring people together, explore the outdoors and promote the benefits of community togetherness.

Keep an eye out on our social media channels and our News and Events page. If you would like to be added to a mailing list to receive invitations directly, please contact