From 2019-2020, Iglu Studio developed proposals around the creation of a beautiful, biodiverse, and welcoming public park along the River Leven in Levenmouth. Proposals were presented in the Levenmouth Active Travel & River Park Concept Masterplan, found on our Resources page.
Continuing their journey of turning these proposals into reality, Iglu Studio were commissioned to design the River Park Routes as part of the Levenmouth Connectivity Project. These routes will consist of 11km of off-road active travel paths connecting to the new train stations, river and rail crossings and the wider Active Travel Network.
This part of the project is being managed by Green Action Trust on behalf of the Leven Programme.
These routes will be constructed in a phased approach to limit disruption to communities and allow prioritisation of routes which promote the reopening of the rail line. This first phase of routes is aiming to begin construction in Spring 2024.
The approach to design
Since first being appointed on the project in 2019, Iglu Studio and the wider project team have facilitated regular engagement events with the local community to inform the design of the River Park Routes. The proposals combine the existing path infrastructure and well used desire lines, to create a new and improved network that connects communities and provides accessibility for all (walking, wheeling and cycling).
The expanse of green space along the river valley ranges from woodland to grassland, parkland to riparian corridor. The River Park Routes will pass through and alongside these diverse habitats, providing a rich scenic experience for the visitor to enjoy. As such, the design intention is to maximise the retention of the existing landscape character and enhance the natural heritage and biodiversity of the river valley.
The current designs
The routes are all shared use for walking, wheeling and cycling and are divided into Primary Routes (3.5-4m wide) and Secondary Routes (3m wide). The provision of these path widths is in accordance with Sustrans recommendations in Cycling by Design (2021). Lighting, handrails, rest stops including benches, and signage and wayfinding are all currently in detailed design development.
Iglu Studio are currently working through the detailed design of the primary routes which connect the new rail stations between Leven and Cameron Bridge (see plan above). Working alongside Sustrans and Fife Council the paths will be a permeable resin bound surface to allow the infiltration of rainwater and runoff whilst providing a suitable aesthetic for the protected green spaces of the river valley.
What happens next?
There will be an upcoming programme of engagement events (including workshops, co-design and site walks) which focus on the gateways, rest areas and signage and wayfinding to inform the detailed designs.
As a National Development, the River Park Routes are seeking Planning Permission. The team will receive a decision in principle in February 2024, following which the full planning applications will be submitted to Fife Council’s Planning Service.
It is anticipated that construction of the first phase of the River Park Routes will begin in Spring 2024.