Led by Green Action Trust
As a result of the Nature Network Phase 1, the landscape on the south side of the river will change. However, one of our aims is to ensure people can still move through the River Park while exploring its natural and industrial heritage.
Through this project designed by Plincke, various accessibility enhancements will be implemented to complement the River Park Routes and existing core paths. Mown grass paths will allow people to explore while maintaining the wild, natural feel of the park – something local people have consistently told us is important to them. Similarly, a mown platform will be created near the Kirkland rock ramp to improve access for fishing while ensuring a feeling of serenity.
Parts of the park will be wetter; therefore, a section of boardwalk will be constructed across new ponds, footbridges will provide access across the re-wetted lade and a dipping platform will be provided beside the extended swamp.
This network of accessibility enhancements has been located at both nature- and heritage-rich sites including (spoiler alert) providing access to the Methil Mill complex, which will be taken advantage of by the Interpretation project (double spoiler alert) to create a heritage trail!
Click here to access the design report by Plincke which this project has been informed by.