Levenmouth Active Travel & River Park Masterplan

Levenmouth Active Travel & River Park Concept Masterplan

In April 2019, we commissioned Iglu Studio Ltd (an urban and landscape design practice) to deliver the masterplan for The Leven. The brief was simple: to help build on the vision for the River Leven by “developing a strong, inclusive growth narrative and masterplan for the catchment project,” the key outputs of which include:

  • a graphical vision for the Leven catchment;
  • a masterplan for the project area (with core framework principles).

The Visioning and integrated masterplan report that was produced in June 2019 presents both a collation of existing data and suggested design proposals.

The report identifies broader opportunities at the catchment scale, a deeper analysis of issues along the River Leven and specific design principles for the Levenmouth Connectivity Project.

Following this, Iglu Studio was commissioned to take the masterplan to a concept design stage, for the River Leven and surrounding communities in Levenmouth. Iglu Studio brought together existing information from desk studies, habitat surveys, heritage research and conversations with partners, stakeholders and people within the communities. Using this information, the concept masterplan outlines ambitious proposals to transform the river valley in a way that brings opportunities for all to connect with nature, the river and each other – we call this the River Park.

Reflecting the amount of time, effort and care that was put into developing the masterplan, the report can be accessed in sections using the following three links:

The complete report is split into four sections:

  • Setting the scene, provides a broad background and overview of existing relevant information to the project.
  • Telling the story, describes the narrative process of shaping the proposals including historical analysis and community engagement.
  • Illustrating the proposals, reveals the concept design masterplan for the River Leven Park and more detailed site studies at the garden scale.
  • Looking forward, outlines additional threads to be considered and further developed during Stage 3 - Detailed design.

You can also watch this animation which brings together these exciting proposals, taking you on - A journey through the River Leven Park - or click on the map below to inspect the proposals more closely.

To find out how these proposals have been taken forward, check out our other projects!

The funding to develop the masterplan was administered by Sustrans Scotland on behalf of Transport Scotland through the Places for Everyone programme.